Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is a non-drug therapy option used for pain management. PEMF therapy is a device that sends currents to the body. It allows the body to heal gradually through the electromagnetic fields to recharge the cells. It acts as a recharge and healing catalyst. The PEMF machine creates a series of safe, pulsing electromagnetic fields to recharge your cells. It promotes the absorption of nutrients and oxygen and protein metabolization. Other benefits include helping your body flush out toxins and cellular waste. This reduces pain and inflammation. PEMF Therapy optimizes cell function and enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself. PEMF has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of fracture non-unions and for the enhancement of bone formation after lumbar and cervical spine fusion surgery.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is a non-drug therapy option used for pain management. PEMF therapy is a device that sends currents to the body. It allows the body to heal gradually through the electromagnetic fields to recharge the cells. It acts as a recharge and healing catalyst. The PEMF machine creates a series of safe, pulsing electromagnetic fields to recharge your cells. It promotes the absorption of nutrients and oxygen and protein metabolization. Other benefits include helping your body flush out toxins and cellular waste. This reduces pain and inflammation. PEMF Therapy optimizes cell function and enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself. PEMF has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of fracture non-unions and for the enhancement of bone formation after lumbar and cervical spine fusion surgery.
60-min PEMF 5 Pack - $400
60-min PEMF 10 Pack - $800
60-min PEMF 25 Pack - $1750
60-min PEMF 51 Pack - $2,500
Boost energy.
Helps with injury recovery and prevention.
Recharges cells.
Corrects dysfunction in the cells throughout the body.
Alleviate the stress of the body.
Boost energy.
Helps with injury recovery and prevention.
Recharges cells.
Corrects dysfunction in the cells throughout the body.
Alleviate the stress of the body.
60-min PEMF 5 Pack - $400
60-min PEMF 10 Pack - $800
60-min PEMF 25 Pack - $1750
60-min PEMF 51 Pack - $2,500
Boost energy.
Helps with injury recovery and prevention.
Recharges cells.
Corrects dysfunction in the cells throughout the body.
Alleviate the stress of the body.
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You're here because you NEED PEMF! Check out our price list and book the best package for your needs. Elevate your wellness journey today.
You're here because you NEED PEMF! Check out our price list and book the best package for your needs. Elevate your wellness journey today.
PEMF therapy works wonders for your body's natural healing abilities. By recharging cells and correcting dysfunction throughout the body, PEMF revitalizes and rejuvenates from the inside out. It relieves stress and promotes harmonious balance to alleviate tension and promotes overall well-being.
The ideal candidate for PEMF therapy is anyone seeking to optimize their recovery, boost energy levels, enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms, relieve stress and tension, and more!
PEMF therapy works wonders for your body's natural healing abilities. By recharging cells and correcting dysfunction throughout the body, PEMF revitalizes and rejuvenates from the inside out. It relieves stress and promotes harmonious balance to alleviate tension and promotes overall well-being.
The ideal candidate for PEMF therapy is anyone seeking to optimize their recovery, boost energy levels, enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms, relieve stress and tension, and more!
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